Restore Counseling and Consulting Services , LLC
Restore Counseling and Consulting Services , LLC
What happens at an EAP appointment?
What happens at an EAP appointment?
You or your family member will meet with an experienced independently Licensed Professional Counselor. An assessment will be conducted and together we will develop a plan for improvement. If the assessment indicates brief therapy, typically consisting of 2 - 12 sessions, EAP Counseling will begin.
If your problem is not appropriate for EAP Counseling because it requires a specialist or long-term counseling, we will contact your medical insurance provider.
No Cost to You and is Provided as an
Employee Benefit
Check out the benefits associated with your employer provided EAP Services today! I'm an EAP Provider for several plans and can schedule you within 3-5 business days for an initial assessment and consultation.
What is an EAP?
EAP is an Employee Assistance Program that is voluntary and work-based that offers free and confidential assessments, short-term counseling, referrals, and follow-up services to employees who have personal and/or work-related problems.
EAPs address a broad and complex range of issues that often affect mental and emotional well-being, such as alcohol and other substance abuse, stress, grief, family problems, and psychological disorders. EAP Counselors also work in a consultative role with supervisors, managers, and other executive level members of leadership to address employee and organizational challenges and needs. Additionally, EAP Counselors assist agencies to meet training needs. Many EAPs are active in helping organizations prevent and cope with workplace violence, trauma, and other emergency response situations.
We're a phone call away...allow us to meet your EAP Counseling needs!